Having seen complaints from people having difficulties with using more than a small number of addons, I'm investigating the feasibility of combining some of my smaller addons into a single larger addon to help those with this problem. Which addons would you, the players, like to have in this "omnibus" addon? For reference, my current addons (not counting obsolete ones) are:
Zizzo wrote:Having seen complaints from people having difficulties with using more than a small number of addons, I'm investigating the feasibility of combining some of my smaller addons into a single larger addon to help those with this problem. Which addons would you, the players, like to have in this "omnibus" addon? For reference, my current addons (not counting obsolete ones) are:
(Ignore Race/Class Locks would probably be a bit too controversial to include in this one. )
The other question, of course, would be what to call it. "Omnibus" seems kind of vague...
Optin instead of no adventurer. Since some might not want to disable adventurers, they can still use your other stuff, and self-enforce the adventurers by never evading. Beyond that, I don't see the all tabs or short circuit option (it is an actual, option, is it not?) being an issue, given that it's minor and won't interfere with anyone (again, if the short circuit option is an option, they can self-enforce not using it.) Definitely not the 'unlock everything' mod. Definitely don't want to be tempted to give myself marauder...
Never even heard of 'notes to self', but timed rest should really just be integrated into the main game, there are a number of places where it's all but necessary to avoid potential instagibs. (Cursed can also use it to avoid over-resting and losing too much hate) I'd vote AGAINST including it, for exactly that reason. Instead, everyone who comes here should rag the devs until it gets added in. I can't see a reason it hasn't been already.
Not familiar with the other 2 (the talent point stuff), but if they're non-interfering with gameplay, again, no reason not to bundle them.
As for the name... Zizzo's great pile'o'stuff? Zpack? Ziz-on?
I agree with Crim -- I want Adventure Parties, so I'd never use an add-on that prevented them. They're easy enough to avoid and present a fun challenge. If you could easily tweak it to allow the option to permanently opt-in, that'd be even better. But I'd love Timed Rest (there are definitely times when I miss being able to do that) and Notes to Self could certainly come in handy...such as remembering the order of the orbs in a certain dungeon The others aren't too shabby either.
You only think you want adventurer parties. In actuality, you want to suicide on them. You just can't admit it, so you rationalize it as 'free loot!' and 'Free exp!'... But to each there own. With optin, you can easily fight them to your hearts content. While the rest of us can choose evade, until we get cocky and think 'nah, surely I can take these, I'm doing GREAT!'... Which is why optin is so awesome. All the safety of preventing instagibs and all the temptation to lead to overcockiness and your eventual death. Makes EVERYONE equally happy/dead.
An option to 'auto-disable' the evade option for the purists might be a good idea though. Not sure if it's possible, but it should be available for those who want it, so they don't have to manually click fight each time (or so we don't have to manually switch to evade each time.)
So I have issues. Sue me. You don't know what it's like, growing up in Last Hope and seeing all your buddies go off to Dreadfall and never return...and then have to wonder if those skeleton mages and deformed skeletal warriors you're slaughtering were once your cherished childhood friends. So, yeah, I do attack adventurer parties for fun and die a lot in the process. We all cope in our own ways.
Well, that turned out not to be too hard. I had the word "omnibus" stuck in my head for it, so I decided to call it the ZOmnibus Addon Pack. As described in its separate addon thread, Opt-in Adventurers Parties now has a game option "Adventurers party response strategy" under Game Options in the <Esc> menu to control its behavior;you'll want the "Never evade" setting, Hunter.
And to my surprise, preliminary testing seems to suggest significantly improved load time and memory usage with the single addon versus all seven separate addons. Could just be a fluke, but I suppose that might explain the difficulties some are having loading multiple addons on older machines.
Couple small tweaks to the use-item dialog that seemed too small to merit their own separate addon, so I just stuffed them into ZOmnibus:
For Alchemists, add an 'Extract gem' item so you can use your Extract Gems talent straight from inventory.
If your "Object & Creatures links" chat message filter is turned off in Game Options, the "Link item in chat" item is suppressed (I occasionally trip over that one; apologies for interrupting any chat discussions with one of those... )
Just pushed out v3 with these.
"Blessed are the yeeks, for they shall inherit Arda..."
Alright, I'm not sure if the problem cropped up in v3 or v4, as I went from v2 to v4... When I started playing with the v4 addon, I noticed incredible amounts of lag, but only when casting spells or doing other actions that generated an animation... I was playing in the ID at the time, which is typically laggy for me, so I chalked it up to that. But when the problem returned and recurred continuously across all fights in the campaign, I figured something was up. Disabling ZOmnibus eliminated the problem. Did you do something unusual in the updates (I didn't NOTICE anything prior to this, but I was playing in the ID, so wouldn't necessarily take note of some lag at the time...) that would create significant lag for older computers, or is my poor computer just not up to running ZOmnibus at all? I know certain addon's can cause bad lag for me (had brought up that issue elsewhere before) but till now, yours hasn't been one...
Is this a my computer problem, or a ZOmnibus problem?
(For reference, everything is fine until I perform an attack, which then pauses for over a second, proceeds to display the attack animation in ridiculously laggy fashion, to the point that the animation for the hit displays for over 2 seconds AFTER the creature dies and is removed. Every time I cast a spell (as a reaver, or a corruptor. Doubt class makes a difference, but both did it.) this would occur, and to a lesser degree had the same issue with melee attacks as well. (The bloody 'tears' would remain on screen for some time after the enemy died)
Edit: I might add that I think this unusual, since even stone warden and other class addon's don't generate this much lag for me.
Pardon me, it sounds like I'm a bit late, but isn't the obvious answer to add a submenu to the game options menu that allows people to configure your addons? That's what I'm planning on, although I have to confess I haven't reached that stage yet
I'm not sure there's much reason for people to limit access to the addons they've created, outside of compatibility concerns. You might want to assign defaults based on responses in here, but once you've done that, why not build it all in?
Crim, The Red Thunder wrote:Alright, I'm not sure if the problem cropped up in v3 or v4, as I went from v2 to v4... When I started playing with the v4 addon, I noticed incredible amounts of lag, but only when casting spells or doing other actions that generated an animation... I was playing in the ID at the time, which is typically laggy for me, so I chalked it up to that. But when the problem returned and recurred continuously across all fights in the campaign, I figured something was up. Disabling ZOmnibus eliminated the problem. Did you do something unusual in the updates (I didn't NOTICE anything prior to this, but I was playing in the ID, so wouldn't necessarily take note of some lag at the time...) that would create significant lag for older computers, or is my poor computer just not up to running ZOmnibus at all? I know certain addon's can cause bad lag for me (had brought up that issue elsewhere before) but till now, yours hasn't been one...
Yikes. I can't even conceive of what could have changed between v2 and v4 that would cause something like this; all v3 added was a couple hooks into UseItemDialog, and all v4 added was some save-points changes, and all that touched was the LevelupDialog. I suppose it's theoretically possible that the new bits might have increased memory usage just enough to push part of the game's working set into swap space... maybe? What other addons were you using at the time? Would it help for me to put up copies of older versions of ZOmnibus for testing purposes so we can narrow down the problem?
nate wrote:Pardon me, it sounds like I'm a bit late, but isn't the obvious answer to add a submenu to the game options menu that allows people to configure your addons? That's what I'm planning on, although I have to confess I haven't reached that stage yet
I'm not sure there's much reason for people to limit access to the addons they've created, outside of compatibility concerns. You might want to assign defaults based on responses in here, but once you've done that, why not build it all in?
[scratches head] I'm... not sure I understand the question.
"Blessed are the yeeks, for they shall inherit Arda..."
nate wrote:My suggestion: put them all in, with configuration options to turn off individual components.
Some of them aren't really amenable to that, though. Ignore Race/Class Locks, for instance, only has an effect in the character creation dialog, which is too early for the player to be setting any game options. Similarly, No Adventurers Parties' effect (or lack thereof) is applied more or less permanently the first time the world map zone is created for a given character, and turning it on or off after that wouldn't have any effect. All the rest of my addons are currently included, except for some obsolete ones (and a few new ones that I promise I'll get merged in here eventually... ).
"Blessed are the yeeks, for they shall inherit Arda..."
Zizzo wrote:
Yikes. I can't even conceive of what could have changed between v2 and v4 that would cause something like this; all v3 added was a couple hooks into UseItemDialog, and all v4 added was some save-points changes, and all that touched was the LevelupDialog. I suppose it's theoretically possible that the new bits might have increased memory usage just enough to push part of the game's working set into swap space... maybe? What other addons were you using at the time? Would it help for me to put up copies of older versions of ZOmnibus for testing purposes so we can narrow down the problem?
Welp, this may be an issue on my end. When I started, I was using ID, and I'm used to the occasional bits of lag in there. I may have brushed off what was zomnibus not working with the dismissal of normal lag. Sadly, while I have no idea if anyone else had issues, I believe it is my computer not managing to run zomnibus. Hitting the arena (Quickest character test) with every version of zomnibus produces the same problem. Apologies for disturbing you with my computers inadequacies. While it probalby doesn't matter anymore, the only other addon's were oldrpg and infinite500. Swapping back to Optin solves the issue, so It isn't one of them unless they somehow interact with and screw with your addon. (Unlikely, though oldrpg might screw with your online indicator.)