Insane Gunslinger? (Gunslinger Insane Guide 1.7.6)

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Insane Gunslinger? (Gunslinger Insane Guide 1.7.6)

#1 Post by Elerai »

So, I recently finished AoA (Nightmare/Adventure), after a pretty steep learning curve. I started EoR, and man, it was so hard at the start. I tried Sawbutcher, but I like ranged better, so I went with Gunslinger, determined to figure out the build. The only guide available online was pretty dated, and while it was still relevant, I figure I can do a bit better now I'm close to finishing EoR.

The main gimmick of a gunslinger is dual-wielding two sling-equivalent weapons, with no offhand damage penalty. It sounds unimpressive, especially since the Gunslinger talents are a bit lacking at first glance, but keep this in mind. 2x damage is a really strong starting point. This gives us both Burst & DPS, and is what we primarily build around. Proc damage is good early because dual-wielding, but Gunslinger base damage is extremely high because they effectively dual-wield two 2-handed weapons, so we don't really need proc damage mid/late.

This also means is that Vital Shot is doubled. Literally. It fires two Vital Shots, for 900% weapon damage. Yep. Its well known, but I never would've guessed if I hadn't seen it in an Archer post before, because most similar melee prodigies don't hit with both weapons (I think). But Vital Shot, an already strong prodigy even for normal ranged classes, is absurd on a gunslinger. I would even go as far to say its core. Its downside of being pulled into your own shot can be mitigated by the boot teleport immunity tinker + knockback immunity gear, caution, and also with...

Cloaking Device! It gives 150+ Stealth! This is where the guide baited me the most on my 2nd Gunslinger run (this is the 3rd). This is the 2nd most overpowered thing in a Gunslinger's kit. Stealth seems gimmicky, but in practice, every turn the enemies waste (and they waste quite a lot) is already absurd value; but it gets even stronger when they don't even detect you turn 1. That means they don't activate their instant defensive talents, and get oneshot like we get sometimes when autoexploring. Its hard to overstate how powerful this is, you have to see it in practice. I haven't played Rogue, but Stealth looks anemic compared to this. This is your main defence; alongside with multiple mobility sources, the defensive sustains (Cloak Tesselation + Restoration Device), plus good resists & Pain Suppressor medical tinker. And Track, of course.

Note: I realised later that Stealth also gives attacks a 2/3rd chance to miss if attacker doesn't have Blindfight. So, this also enables your Evasive Shots, you don't need high Defense or Evasion. This honestly makes Evasive Shots a 1/5 early, very worth maxing to 5/5 late.

The other notable things are:

(a) Supercharged Bullets: Another reason why Vital Shot feels core. This lets you 2x Vital Shot in a line AOE, instead of a single target. This singlehandedly invalidates every single AOE talent Gunslingers might want for AOE purposes, like Sawfield or Trick Shot. You don't need it with AOE Shoots. The other super important part is that it allows you to oneshot through mobs. One big annoyance when playing Archer, for example, is when a mob walks into your Called Shots meant for the rare and tanks it, and you gotta retreat now because the rare started casting nasty spells you can't tank. That never will happen for Gunslingers with this Bullet Enhancement up. The Master was a pain in the ass for my Archer to beat, a Gunslinger would laugh in his face.

(b) Net Projector: 50% Resist penalty. Resist penalty isn't penetration; so it always makes you do at least 50% extra damage (at 0% resist; yes, resists can be lowered below 0); to 166% (when lowering a 70% physical resist to 20%, when having 0 phys pen ofc). This plays a big part in your lategame damage numbers. You won't need it early/mid though, and the tree's other talents are meh. Yes, Sawfield is bad. The daze can be situationally useful with a 2nd point, but Steam is a premium for most steampower classes so that limits its utility.

(c) Tinkers!

Saw Shell is basically your 2nd Vital Shot, slightly weaker, except it only hits its target tile, nothing else.
Focus Lens gives you Blind-Fight, weapon classes really should have access to it from something.

Iron Grip??? Yep. Looks wierd, but it is instant speed. That alone is huge. Iron Grip is one of your few sources of bonus accuracy (equivalent), since you don't really have any in your talents (Headlamp is only +25). If it doesn't land (or gets resisted), run away, rest, and come back and retry. Very common tactic, similar to savescumming for initiative in D&D crpgs, for example. Also, you're fine in melee because Cloaking Device is just that powerful, and it is one way of countering said Vital Shot self-kills. They can't pull you if you're already in melee! It also can proc your melee on-hits from equipment, like a random global slow that will stack with the Vital Shot cripple and trivialize the fight (not that you need it in like 99% of the fights).

Most of the other stuff are situational/based on blueprint availability. Voratun grounding straps are really nice for example. One thing though, you don't really need Rocket boots since I feel like you want 2 movement infusions; thos plus your other mobility (Slip Away, Dazzling Jump if you can afford the steam) plus Cloaking Device/L4 Cloak Gesture is enough. Also, the boots are a bit too slow (even at rank 5) and steam-expensive sometimes.


So, the build!


Gunner Training: 2/1/0/0 Early, 5/1/1/5 Core, Double Shots luxury.

Funnily enough, most of your pre-25 damage comes from your Bullet enhancements. Yes, your guns do damage, but Overheat Bullets/Combustive Bullets carry your damage early on. With doubleshot, thats 4 procs with a mini-stun. It will carry your early game, along with Explosive Shells (if you're not unlucky enough to not have this blueprint drop/spawn in shop). This is why you get 24 DEX for 2 Steamgun Mastery, then just pump your CUN to get Combustive Bullets to 3 ASAP (40 CUN). You can keep putting points in for more Steampower scaling on your bullets, but you need accuracy too; and you probably will have enough steampower from 3/5 Steampower in Steamtech/Chemistry (also needs 40 CUN). Plus, once you pick up Vital Shot, you switch bullets to Supercharged, and prioritze weapon damage (DEX gives more weapon damage because 70% scaling).

Double Shots + Overheat/Explosive Bullets is a big chunk of your pre-25 damage. The stun is irrelevant. Its basically equivalent to Stunning Blow from Two-Handed tree, except just worse in everything (damage, stun duration), but hits 4 times. Few abilities in the game actually hit more than 3 times, so quite notable for procs. You can use this for high proc chances even in lategame, like a 20% chance for 50% Global Slow on-hit. This mainly gets passed because, as mentioned, Steam is tight; so abilities only marginally better than base shot tends to not get used. A 2nd point is good value though, especially if for whatever reason you're not taking Vital Shot.

Static Shot is a mid-lategame situational tool to deal with strong temporary buffs. It can't really strip the most annoying one (Evasion), but you'll get more use out of it than most filler skills. So much of a Gunslinger's power is in their double steamguns that their talent quality suffers, beyond the standouts.

Gunslinging: 1+1/0/0/0 Early, 1/1/1/0 Core, Startling Shot, Evasive Shots luxury; 5/5 Trick Shot potentially Core in Roguelike + Insane/Madness.

Strafe will carry your very early levels, especially in EoR where movement infusions are really rare early. It can help occasionally mid/late, but even then, you won't need to use it more than twice in a row. Float the second point here when needed.

Startling Shot is part of your setup lategame, to oneshot with Vital Shot. Its not super necessary, but big damage numbers are fun! Not really worth it super early, an extra point in Strafe is generally better.

Evasive Shots mostly are okay when you have a Evasion source (Mobilty unlock in EoR, or equipment with Evasion ability). Its actually quite powerful if you can enable it, but firstly, it only works against a subset of enemies; and secondly, it is strong but quite fair. Also, only 1 Steam Generator makes it hard to sustain this 24/7.

EDIT: It works with Cloaking Device! Much better early on if you can afford the steam, probably worth running over cloak against melee foes (run all 3 if you can, ofc). So it becomes a 1/5, and very worth maxing lategame.

Trick Shot is excellent with Conbustive Bullets, redundant with Supercharged. Except, it is also redundant with Combustive Bullets since you don't actually need that much AOE. Also, RNG since the chain isn't guaranteed if one misses, making it meh even with Combustive. Pass.

Roguelike EDIT: Shooting around corners could be valuable for Roguelike on Insane/Madness. I haven't gotten to Madness lategame yet, but that could be a reason to take this even on Madness/Adventure (5/5 if taking it for that reason). AOE is not very relevant, but the corner sniping part could be very relevant. Cloaking Device is enough for Insane, though maybe Insane/Roguelike could justify the additional safety.

Bullets Mastery: 1+4/0/0/0 Very Early, 1/1+4/0/0 OR 1/1/0+1/0+3 OR 1/1/0+4 Core

You basically float your points here. Early on, into Overheat Bullets; early-mid, 1 into Stunning & 3 into Combustive. Late, switch to Combustive if you need that extra oomph; since if Iron Grip lands, you'll often reduce enemy armor to negative, making the Armor Pen from Supercharged redundant. Ofc, the AOE is still valuable, but if you don't need the AOE, Combustive is technically the optimal choice. Not super relevant, you can just do 1/5/0/0 and not bother with point floating at all. Yes, scaling means the 5th point value is very diminshed; but as mentioned, a Gunslinger doesn't have many good class talents to invest in, especially past 40.

If you're having issues hitting 25; sacrifice a couple talent points and go 1/1/1/1, and float 4 into Explosive Bullets. This will give you a little extra damage (x2, x4 with Double Shots).

Percussive Bullets are very situational. Sometimes however, it can be worth using in a 1v1 vs a very tough rare, because you won't need the AOE, Iron Grip's Armor pen is sufficient, and Combustive's damage has completely fallen off. Use your floated points to 4/5 it. This is also why its rarely worth putting extra points into Double Shot for the stun even lategame.

Avoidance: 1/1/3/5 Early, 5/4/3/5 Core, Embedded Restoration Systems luxury.

Tesselation is very annoying on a Gunsnake, kinda background on you. It is nice against projectile using foes, and the DR is really good vs DoTs (which can cause deaths after a fight is up and you don't have a cleanse off CD). Not a priority sustain, turn it on once you have a good 8+ Steam/turn generator. Is worthwhile to 5/5 later if you're stacking resists (Robes, pain suppressors, equipment in general).

Cloak Gesture 4/5 is your oh-shit emergency button. You can use after pinning a foe (Net Projector) for the heal + hide, then shoot out-of-sight; except infravision exists, so keep it mostly for the heal+hide in an emergency (then run away).

Restoration Systems is your first 24/7 sustain, and it is just really good for its cost. Early on, you already want to kite tanky foes when your bullet enhancement runs out, you might as well heal to full while doing it, and come back while the enemy barely healed with most of your CDs back up. Lategame, it is part of your oh-shit button; being a cleanse + a gigantic heal (because it can crit), and just general purpose convenience when resting. The CD would be very abusable on max rank for a less burst-y class, but not that abusable on a gunslinger. Notable synergy is beginning a fight from a corner, then Strafe backward when you need the heal: getting to shoot & hide in a corner in 1 action, and get a heal + cleanse on top of it. Still don't need more than 1 point in strafe for it.

Cloaking Device. I've already raved about it; just max it first with 3/5 Steampower and watch the difference. It is what allowed me to kill rares+ with a 30 level gap (Palace of Fumes at level ~29, killed level 60+ rares; only tried because I was on Adventure mode, ofc). This is what makes your Steam tight; you need the max Steam increase & you'll often use this + bullet enhancement, then restore steam (wastes 1 turn of the 10 & 7 turn buffs) as part of your pre-buff routine. For reference, most level 60+ foes have ~50 See Stealth; with ~60-70 being quite high. And you have ~150. Very unfair.

Elusiveness: 1/0/0/0 Early & Core, Slip Away, Agile Gunner, Awesome Toss, Dazzling Jump luxury.

Slip Away is pretty crucial to have at least 1 point; its basically a poor man's Tumble. Still pretty good. I feel you do want a 2nd point in it even though I've not recommended it, because the range goes up from quite a bit with the 2nd point. More can be double-edged sometimes, since unlike Tumble, you always move to max range when using it. 2 is fine.

Agile Gunner is just so weak. If the range was at least semi-decent, I could be convinced to even use it sometimes, but nope. Just nope. It could be 1 steam and I still probably wouldn't turn it on. However, lategame when you have to put points into bad abilities once all the good ones are taken, this can be okay to 3-4/5; more movespeed is never bad, and you don't need clear out normal enemies when fighting rares+, because of your extreme stealth. At level 50, you probably have to choose to put ~3+ remaining points into these: Pulse Detonator, Stunning Shots, and Agile Gunner. Agile Gunner honestly looks the best to put points into here, because it might save your life sometimes, and you can activate it at instant speed for no initial steam.

Awesome Toss is really nice to have 1 point in, to pop after using all your burst (Vital Shot + Saw Shell mostly) and fall back; but it really is luxury, you don't need it or anything. No, it isn't broken with Movement infusions, it probably got fixed. Since you really don't have many good places to put all your excess class points late, you probably will 3/5 Awesome Toss just for the resist. Dropping Awesome Toss while you setup is also a legit thing; you need quite a few turns to Net Projector > Startling Shot > Vital Shot, while also activating Cloaking Device and usually activating your Steam Generator too.

Dazzling Jump is okay, except you really don't need such a steam-expensive melee escape when you already have better normal escapes. You don't want to have a bunch of just-in-case mediocre abilities as you are unlikely to use them because of Steam constraints. It could be good for the slow if you didn't need to cast Awesome Toss first; but as it stands, too awkward to use.

Automation: 1/1/5/0 Core, Pulse Detonator optional.

You mostly start wanting this category in your 40s for Net Projector, when you're up against high level (50+) foes. Against lower level foes, its just overkill. Remember, your damage spikes in the midgame when you're close to maxing DEX/CUN, have Vital Shot and all the relevant abilities. Your lategame scaling mostly comes from Net Projector, 2nd Prodigy, & overpowered equipment. Since it checks Steampower vs Phys Save; you want as much steampower as you reasonably can. I'd honestly take Supercharge Tinkers on AoA; but generics are very tight in EoR with all the yeti tissue category unlocks. If you have Curse of Defenselessness too, with MoD & Supercharge, I'd say its near-guaranteed even against endgame bosses.

Edit: Lategame you should float your 3 generics between Combat Accuracy (0+3), Innovation (1+4), and Supercharge Tinkers (0+3) based on need. Innovation is the default, it is actually decent since boosted stats boost your damage quite a bit; Combat Accuracy against super high defense foes; Supercharge Tinkers against super high phys save + phys res foes to help you land Net Projector.

Pulse Projector is one of the mediocre just-in-case abilities that I usually ignore because of the steam cost. But a 3-7 turn (at levels 2-5) AOE Daze (strongest CC) is notable regardless; good for buying time for your setup of Net Projector > (Walk to melee range & Iron Grip) > Startling Shot.

Flying Grapple is another just-in-case ability I have somewhere in my hotbars I never needed to use. Its not completely useless, since maybe sometimes you'll get to line up 3+ rares with it and oneshot them all with Vital Shot? You need 1 point in it anyway, so don't think too hard about it.

Sawfield is useless. I don't know what changed between the old version and this new, but anything that is lower damage than your Shoot, and with a steamcost to boot, is underwhelming. No, the AOE doesn't matter because your Shoot is AOE too. If you want more, take Combustive Bullets and leave this alone. The only utility this has is against Evasive/High Defence foes: normally you want to stack accuracy to counter defence; but Evasion and similar abilities (Tesselation Cloak) can really be problematic, so sometimes a 5/5 Sawfield can deal reasonable damage while you're waiting for the buff to run out (and missed your Static Shot already) or even kill less tanky foes outright. But the damage is so low I don't think its killing anyone later on, and even with Evasion up, you're probably better off just shooting normally because a single shoot will likely outdamage the entirety of Sawfield damage.


Combat Training: 0/1/1/0+3/0/0 Core, Thick Skin & Combat Accuracy luxury.

Pretty basic. Spend points based off how much spare generics you have. In AoA, where the bonus trees need Cat points to unlock and is RNG whether or not you even get it, you probably will have a few more points than EoR. Your endgame armor might be heavy, but it is super unlikely so you can safely put a point into Light Armor Training and not float it. Float points in Combat Accuracy mostly. Lategame, even against super high defense foes, you can equip Headlamp Tinker, swap to accuracy equipment, 'savescum' for a Iron Grip: if it lands, great; if it doesn't, you run away and rest and come back again. Notable though is Thick Skin; because of Tesselation Cloak's synergy with Resists, it is worth 5/5ing it unless your racials are better. Otherwise, float your points here instead unless you need Supercharge Tinkers or Combat Accuracy.

Physics: 1/2/1/4-5 Core, more as needed for Tinkers.

2 Mech is necessary for Kinetic Stabilizers or Rocket Boots.

Steam Tank, although it looks unimpressive, is pretty important to properly use all your stuff. Its never unecessary, since if you get a really good generator (12+ regen), you can just spend the extra steam on sustaining Evasive Shots. You don't really need it until Net Projector though, so upgrading Steam Tank can wait until your 30s.

Assuming a steam regen of ~0, an average rotation costs 45 (Cloaking) + 30 (Bullets) + 10 (Slip Away) + 40 (Net Projector). Thats 125 Steam already. Even if you get to recharge steam mid-rotation (or during pre-buffing); assuming you recharge ~60 steam, thats still leaves you with only 35 steam if your max steam is 100. 35 is a bit low to also use Cloak Gesture or Iron Grip or Static Shot, while also paying the steam cost for your attacks (including Saw Shell with an additional 5 Steam cost). So don't underestimate the 30 extra steam.

Very lategame, 4/5 Smith (3/5 if you get a Physics mastery boosting equipment) is good for Crystal Edge, even though 3 generics seems expensive; if your racials aren't worth it, its +15% damage is honestly more than what 3 Generics can usually give you. You also get Crystal Armor at Smith 3 on the way, which will also very nice, especially if your robe can get boosted by Innovation (crafted by a master, since Robes are unlikely to be powered by steam).

Chemistry: 1/1/1/3 Early, 1-3/1/1/3-5 Core, more as needed for Tinkers.

3 Therapeutics is needed for salves; can be skipped if you're only using the Pain Suppressor salve (best salve for Gunslinger, because resistances and flat reduction go well together). Unstoppable Force is also really good, if a bit situational since you don't really want super extended fights. You probably can get away with 4 Therapeutics for the Unstoppable Force because you don't really need it until lategame, unless you're unlucky and don't get something that boosts mastery of Chemistry at all.

You NEED the extra steampower early, it is super strong. 3 for diminshing returns. Lategame, when you need Net Projector debuff to land, you need all steampower you can easily have, so 5/5 it then.

Engineering: 1/1+3/0/0 OR 1/1/0+3/0 Core, Innovation luxury.

3 floating points into this gives you a 60 steam-costing buff, that gives ~26-38 Steampower. Absolutely not worth it unless you're against some ubertank with massive resistances + really high phys save. I had the misfortune to get one of those (Gunslinger + Anothiril Mecharachnid, level 60+), it also had tesselation cloak, invisibility + embedded restoration systems & 80+ Defense & 87 Phys Save and was such an annoying pos. Pulled it to stairs, kept trying to land Net + Vital Shot for 10+ times. Ultimately I caved in and invested my 2nd prodigy into Master of Disasters, though it ended up being really good (I was torn between PES, AM, MoD & Cauterize). But yes, I could've tried out Supercharge Tinkers (though I think the steam cost would've still been prohibitive, and the ~10 effective Steampower wouldn't have done much, as opposed to MoD's ~20+).

Last Engineer standing would've been nice if you have points, because crit reduction is a valuable lategame defensive stat, but too expensive generic-wise.

Emergency Steam Purge is okay super early, but worthless anytime after. When you're taking Innovation lategame, remove this from your hotbar so you aren't even tempted to use it.

Innovation sounds good on paper, but (a) Items are RNG, (b) most things it boosts are not the ones that you generally want to be boosted, except the Stats; and (c) even if everything goes right, the boost is too expensive for how low it is.
But it can be situationally good, so it is a good place to spend spare generics. It will probably be better than extra points into Combat Accuracy at level 50 with all the high quality gear. It scales with difficulty too, being better on higher difficulties since gear drops improve. Lategame, 3 floating points here get more work done than Combat Accuracy; unless you have really good racials worth maxing so you float points into Thick Skin instead (Thick Skin 5/5 & Innovation 1/5 is better than 2/5 Thick Skin & 4/5 Innovation).


> Steam Generator: Obviously
> Medical Injector: Pain Supression is really good with Robes to stack Resists, which work very well with Tesselation cloak.
> Stormshield: Stormshield is not really necessary with Pain Suppression + Cloaking Device; but it is one of the better runes regardless, and works very well with Tesselation cloak too.
> Shatter: Replaces the Stormshield early. Can replace either a Movement Infusion or the Medical Injector or the Stormshield late. Chants unlock replaces this and frees up a Infusion slot in AoA
(Can get 4 Cat points with Wyrm Bile).
> Movement: Really good, very frequently used. 1 is mandatory, I like 2 replacing Shatter, but that's mostly in EoR where I get the Chants category unlocked for free. Probably difficult to fit 2
in AoA.

Honestly, 2nd movement infusion can replace Medical Injector, since Pain Suppressor + Stormshield is a bit redundant on top of Cloaking Device, and Stormshield is generally better than Pain Suppressor. You stil have your Restoration Systems heal; and Shatter can cleanse multiple CC types at once (although only one of each). Skipping Medical Tinkers also saves you the 2 generics in Therapeutics. Ideally though, you'd use your 4th Cat point to unlock Chants, and have 5 inscriptions + Shatter equivalent (Chants). Probably better than Augmented Mobility unlock in AoA?


Vital Shot (definitely pick at 25)

Arcane Might (always on, but usually less damage than PES; max MAG 3rd instead of STR)
Pain Enhancement System (more damage; if Iron Grip or Evasive Shots crits you don't even need it turn it on with a weaker attack first and can directly Vital Shot)

Master of Disasters (ensure you land Net Projector; though it still isn't a guarantee against super lategame foes; and ok damage boost from Phys Power; also you can silence now with Torques, so maybe you want to put spare points into WIL 4th instead of CON?)

Cauterize (if you're sure you'll win without a 2nd offensive prodigy; maybe because you got Long-Arm or some other OP 2-handed fixedArt Steamgun with high damage modifier)

So, a sample sequence looks like: Cloaking Device > Bullets Enhancement > Restore Steam > Movement Infusion into range > Net Projector (optional) > Slip Away into melee range > Iron Grip > Startling Shot (optional) > Vital Shot > Saw Shell > Shoot (a couple times before your buffs run out) > Awesome Toss > run away with 2nd Movement Infusion > Cloak Gesture at stairs > wait for a few turns then leave. You can extend the fight more too; just be careful your Cloaking Device doesn't run out. If you get used to Cloaking Device's defenses, you forget how powerful most enemies actually are when they aren't wasting most of their turns looking for you, hitting air, or simply just missing you from not having Blind-Fight and taking damage from Evasive Shots.


Just beat EoR Insane/Adventure with 5 Deaths. Long-Arm (250% damage but 66% attack speed, which only reduces attack speed of Shoot because most other attacks are standard actions or steampower speed actions; two-handed but shoots twice so don't need an offhand) is so broken on a Vital Shot Gunslinger.

I got it from Internment Camp (I think), continued my limit testing at the highest level zone (Palace of Fumes), and beat it and the endzone that came after without even knowing they were endzones (did realise it might be when I couldn't use rod of recall). I literally only did the starting zones, Ritch Hive, Psy-Machine Zone, Sunwall Observatory, Internment Camp, then the endgame zone(s). I died once to the final boss, because I tried to retreat and didn't know they pull me back; got caught with no buffs and no mobility; but then ressurrected, had my Cloak back up, threeshot his final form, won the game. Cloaking Device is just so, so, strong. Said endgame boss helpers (stronger than boss, no spoilers) had a See Stealth of ~60. Meanwhile, with MoD, my Stealthpower was 180+. While it was running, I was basically invicible, almost nothing hit me hard; and all the random AOE and DOTs couldn't really do much through my 50%+ Resists (Pain Suppressor Salve brought them to 60-70%) + Tesselation Cloak. Without the Cloaking Device though, the hard hitting attacks hit me one after another and I soon got overwhelmed. Every single other fight in the zones was either a oneshot or a twoshot (not counting missed shots, mostly Saw Shell), while basically never being in any danger because cloak. Did all the vaults too, no issues. Gunslinger has set a really high bar for what an OP class can be, though I admit it is mostly because of Long Death. Still, absurd how easy it was.

I'll admit, without Long-Arm some other abilities look more appealing and would likely see more use. MoD honestly wasn't nearly as strong in the final fight; my first net + startling shot both got resisted and I lost a huge amount of damage, only dealing 13k damage (!) with Vital Shot to the 20k HP boss; so maybe you just don't even unlock Net Projector on AoA to save the cat point. Its strong, but its unreliability and cost can be a liability in the final fight on roguelike, because you can't just retreat and try again. Skipping it would also net you a bunch of generics because you won't need to 5/5 Steampower, and can skip Steam Tank too. In EoR, you can't really do much with that extra cat, so its either Net Projector or increasing Mastery of your Avoidance or Gunner Training. Although, I did land the second net (after the death), and just obiliterated him; would've been a twoshot if he didn't just randomly move away from my Saw Shell (Idk how, he was pinned; probably cleansed the Net Projector or something). Another thing I could've tried was just killing his first form without buffs, since his other forms are tougher because of his allies.

Time to try Madness now! Not touching roguelike anytime soon, I don't have that much time in my hands as I used to.

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