Now, back into game...I used to be able to play vampires

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Now, back into game...I used to be able to play vampires

#1 Post by Sardaukar67 »

So, that is basically what I am asking...I remember being able to play skeleton and vampire races...

Alas, I have downloaded addons...but those are still locked (or maybe not even there9...and yes, I have enabled them...

So, what gives?

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Re: Now, back into game...I used to be able to play vampires

#2 Post by Moasseman »

Skeletons are still part of the base game, tho they are a locked race initially. You gotta either unlock em via playing the game, or using an addon such as ... lass-locks to bypass the lock.

As fro Vampires, they're an addon race so you gotta get whatever addon adds them (tho they will be part of the upcoming Lost Land DLC)
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Re: Now, back into game...I used to be able to play vampires

#3 Post by Sardaukar67 »

Thanks, that did the trick!

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