Still playing around with nsrr's
Barbarian evolution addon, and one inconvenience I've found, for me at least, is remembering to "manually" save points in my
talent point plan for the dual-wielding trees provided by the evolution. That's the sort of thing Talent Point Planner's
extension hooks are for, so I've started a new
Planned Evolution addon to use them. For now I'm covering the evolution addons I currently use (which for now is just Barbarian), but I am taking requests. (Although if you're the author of an evolution addon, it's easy to provide this support in your own addon; you can use this addon as an example to work from.)
And looking ahead, I suppose this would be suitable to go into ZOmnibus, maybe even ZOmnibus Lite.
[Implementation notes:]
Code: Select all
TalentPointPlanner:talentSource [to add our talent sources]