This add on adds the Dark Priest as a mage subclass, a melee/caster that uses staves, arcane, darkness, and 'unhealing' to defeat their foes.
Note: 'Unhealing' works differently than damage. It is negative healing and as such does not use the same mechanics as damage. Its power will be increased by the target's Healing Factor and unaffected by damage mitigation. Unhealing can reduce a target's health to 0, but it will never kill."Even in an age of supposed prosperity, there are many who lose their lives in vain.",
"Those who tend the wounded, returned home from battle or adventure, are highly skilled in the arts of healing, many using arcane techniques.",
"But there are some who have seen too much. They have formed a brotherhood of those who have accepted the Dark Truth.",
"Eyal has but one true God, and He demands sacrifices. The Dark Priest and his brethren tap into arcane energies to deliver the bad word unto all the people of Maj'Eyal. They manipulate darkness and life enegry to convey their message of doom and despair. When that doesn't work, carrying a big stick helps, too.",
"They use: Magic and Cunning",
"Stat modifiers:",
" +4 Cunning, +0 Willpower,",
" +5 Magic, +0 Constitution,",
"0 Strength, +0 Dexterity",
"Life per level: -1",
They have the following talent trees:
Spell/Staff Combat
Cunning/Wicked Mind
Spell/Aegis (locked)
Cunning/Shadow Magic
Spell/Arcane Weapon
Spell/Dark Adept(locked)
Sinister Power:
Passively, your maximum mana is increased based on your Cunning.
When activated your Combat Accuracy is increased by [scales from ~5-45 based on cunning] and all strikes will unheal the target for [scales w/ Spellpower] . Accuracy is increased by Cunning and unhealing is based on your Spellpower.
At raw talent level 3 and above the Damage of your Unhealing Strike, Smite and Dark Wrath spells will be multiplied by your Healing Factor.
Unhealing Strike:
Hits the target with your staff, doing [~85%-135%] weapon damage as Darkness. If the attack hits, the target is unhealed for [scales w/ SP] life and afflicted with Dark Unhealing, increasing their Healing Factor by [~15%-35%] for 5 turns and unhealing them for an additional [20% of direct unheal] life each turn.
Passively, your ability to manipulate life energy increases your own healing factor by [~13%-27%] .
Smite your foes in the name of the Dark One. Project [2, or 3 at raw talent level 3+] bolts of Dark energy from your staff that will strike your target(s) for [scales w/ SP] Darkness damage and inflict the Dark Unhealing effect, increasing healing factor by 10% and unhealing the target for [10% of direct damage] life each turn for 5 turns. Above talent level 3 you will conjure one additional bolt.
Dark Wrath:
Unleash the wrath of the Dark One in an unhealing wave of radius[4-8]. Any targets caught in the area will be dealt [scales w/ SP] Darkness damage and afflicted with the Dark Unhealing effect, increasing heal factor by 15% and unhealing the target for [20% of direct damage] life each turn for 5 turns.
Aura of Unlight:
Surround yourself with an aura of Dark power, extinguishing light within your presence.
While Aura of Unlight is active, your light radius is reduced to 0 and you will unlight [~1-5] random tiles within a radius of [~4-7] each turn. You will generate one Shadow Charge for each tile unlit, up to [1-3]. You can store up to a maximum of 10 Charges.
Darkness gives you sustenance, and if all tiles within your Aura are already unlit you will restore %0.1f Stamina and Life per turn.
Additionally, you will manipulate Darkness to become Unseen, granting you Invisibility (power: [~1-40] , damage penalty: [~40-20]% ) when standing on an unlit tile.
If your current tile is lit and there is an unlit tile within your Aura, your tile will be unlit, and the other tile will be lit. This will occur before determining if Unseen will activate.
Becoming Unseen requires and consumes four Shadow Charges. Remaining Unseen will not consume further charges, but is very taxing and will reduce your attack and movement speed by 10%, and consume two Mana per turn.
Invisibility power scales with Cunning and the damage penalty is reduced with talent level. You may only become and remain Unseen while Aura of Unlight is active.
Shadow Pulse:
Release stored shadow energy and send a pulse of pure Darkness through your Aura of Unlight, causing all foes within to take %d Darkness damage. Damage from this spell ignores [~32-84]% of the penalty from being Unseen.
The pulse will Spook targets within your Aura, reducing their Darkness resistance by [~15-25]% and attempting to Daze them for [~2-5] turns.
This spell requires and consumes 5 Shadow Charges to cast.
Damage will increase with your Spellpower.
Total Dark:
The Darker, the better.
Your control of Darkness in near absolute. While Unseen and on an unlit tile, you can manipulate Darkness to absorb incoming damage, granting you a [~2-4]% chance to completely negate it.
Chance to negate damage is multiplied by your current number of Shadow Charges, if any.
At talet level 3 and above, any enemy standing on a tile when it is unlit by your Aura will become afflicted with a Bane of Confusinon, causing them to act randomly (50% chance) and suffer [scales on spellpower] Darkness damage each turn, for 4 turns.
Damage will increase with your Spellpower.
Shadow Slip:
You are one with the Darkness and can slip effortlessly from shadow to shadow.
You may consume 4 Shadow Charges (or 3 at talent level 3 and above) to teleport instantly to an unlit tile within your Aura of Unlight.
This talent will not go on cooldown if you still have enough Shadow Charges to cast it, or until the next turn begins.
Dark Ray:
Invoke a beam of utter Dark, striking all foes in its path for %d Darkness damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower, and range increases with talent level [~6-10].
Malign Darkness:
You infuse your Dark powers with pure hatred.
Your spell critical chance will increase by [~4-18]% .
At raw talent level 3 and above, your Dark Ray, Shadow Barrage, and Darkest Dread spells will inflict Malign Darkness damage, afflicting the target with a Malady that will reduce a random stat by [~10-30]% for 8 turns. Malign Darkness will always attempt to apply a Malady that the target is not already suffering from, and the chance to apply a Malady will be reduced by Darkness resistance.
At raw talent level 5 and above, your Dark Ray, Shadow Barrage, and Darkest Dread spells will ignore 50% of the damage penalty from being Unseen.
Shadow Barrage:
Conjure a barrage of Dark force, dealing %d Darkness damage to all foes in a radius of [~1-3] , up to 8 tiles away.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower, and the radius will increase with talent level.
Darkest Dread:
Conjure a bolt of intense dread, striking your target for %d Darkness damage.
The sense of total defeat that overcomes the target will cause them to lose [~1-4] beneficial effects or sustains.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower, and cooldown will decrease with talent level[~30-20].
Spell/Arcane Weapon:
Arcane Replusion:
Swing your staff with furious might, hitting for [135%-210%] weapon damage. If you hit your target you will infuse your staff with arcane power and strike again while the victim is still reeling, dealing [155%-245%] weapon damage as Arcane and attempting to knock it back [4-8] tiles.
Additionally, you will erect a Ward for [~1-5] turns, completely blocking up to the next [~1-5] sources of Arcane damage.
Blink Strike:
Blink to random targets and attack with your staff for [40%-100%] damage as your staff's current element. You can strike up to [2-4] times. You will choose the first victim, and Blink Strike can hit the same target multiple times.
Arcane Reversal:
You are ever vigilant against cowards who would try to cut you down from afar. While sustained, when you are hit by an attack from 3 or more tiles away you have a [~25-45%] chance to negate the damage and send a pulse of arcane energy back along the path of the projectile, hitting the source for damage equal to the damage of the attack as Arcane. At raw talent level 3 and above, if the attack would deal more than 1/3 of your maximum life the chance is 100%.
Your foe will be humbled by your power, reducing damage dealt by 30% for 5 turns if hit by the return projectile.
Arcane Reversal will drain 15 mana when it triggers. It will not trigger if your mana is below 16 or if the damage is less than 5% of your maximum life.
Empower Staff:
Flood your staff with Arcane power. While active, all weapon strikes will deal %d Arcane damage and reduce the target's Arcane resistance by 30%% for 5 turns.
Critical strikes will release a burst of Arcane energy in a radius of 5 around you, dealing %d damage to all enemies in the area. Your foes will be Humbled by the display of power, reducing all damage dealt by 30%% for 5 turns.
Damage will increase with your Spellpower.
Spell/Dark Adept (high requirement, locked)
Dark Apprentice:
As a student of the Dark ways you have learned to harness the shadows that conceal you to empower your attacks. You gain Physical Power and Spellpower equal to [~1-4] multiplied by your stored Shadow Charges, if any.
Additionally, causing pain invigorates you, healing you for [~4%-10%] of the damage done by most melee attacks. If the attack damage is Darkness, you will heal for twice the amount.
Shadow's Embrace:
You embrace the shadows, increasing your attunement to Darkness. Your Darkness damage is increased by %d%% , damage penetration by %d%% and resistance by %d%% . All values are multiplied by 1/2 of your Shadow Charges, if more than two are stored.
Umbral Swiftness:
Unleashing stored Darkness, you merge your physical form with the shadows, traveling up to 8 tiles and striking all foes in your path for [~110-150]% weapon damage as Darkness.
Casting this spell requires and consumes 4 Shadow Charges.
Passively, you gain [~1-4]% attack speed and [~2-8]% movement speed, while Unseen and on an unlit tile.
These values will be multiplied by one half of your Shadow Charges, if more than two are stored.
Dark Adept:
You are adept in the Dark ways.
Passively, you gain resistance to all damage equal to [~1-4]% , multiplied by your stored Shadow Charges, if any.
Additionally, you may consume stored Shadow Charges to unleash your Dark power.
All enemies within your Aura of Unlight will be dealt [scales on spellpower] Darkness damage and will be pulled [~3-6] tiles toward you. Darkness will gather around you, creating a Shadow Shield which will absorb [scales on spellpower] damage for [~7-12] turns.
You must have at least five stored Shadow Charges and Aura of Unlight must be active to use this ability. Any additional Shadow Charges will be consumed to increase the power of the attack and shield multiplicatively, such that ten charges would increase the power five fold. Power increases with your Spellpower.
Spell/Malediction(high requirement, locked)
Dark Word:
Unheals targets in a cone and afflicts them with Dark Unhealing for 5 turns, increasing healing factor and causing additional unhealing over the duration. Unhealing-over-time is equal to the initial unhealing.
Dark Transfusion:
Unheal a target enemy and heal yourself for the same amount. Your enemy will be afflicted with Dark Unhealing for 5 turns, increasing healing factor and unhealing them over the duration. You will gain Dark Transfusion for 5 turns, increasing your healing factor and healing yourself each turn for the duration. Unhealing- and healing-over-time are equal to the initial values.
Siphon Vigor:
Unheal all enemies within a radius around you. Each enemy affected will also be afflicted with Dark Siphoning for 6 turns, reducing life regeneration by [scales ~ 2 - 6]. You will gain the Dark Siphoner effect for 6 turns, granting yourself an equal amount of life regen. The life regeneration reduction from Dark Siphoning can reduce regen below 0, and the regen granted by Dark Siphoner will stack for each enemy hit by the spell.
Dark Touch:
Unheal your victim for [ ~2 to 6]% of their maximum life instantly and an additional, equal, amount over the next five turns.
Righteous Instrument:
You channel arcane power into your instrument of righteous fury.
Increases Accuracy [based on Cunning] and Physical Power [based on spellpower] while wielding a staff.
Use your wielded staff to 'humble' all those around.
Hit all targets in a radius of 1 for [115%-155%] weapon damage as Arcane. Those hit will become Humbled, reducing the damage they deal by 30% for 5 turns.
Passively, you are protected by your piety, gaining Armor Hardiness [based on Spell Power] and slowing projectiles that target you [based on Cunning].
You are unworthy of His Darkness, but your foes are even more unworthy of you.
While sustained you have a [~18-36%] chance to shrug off critical damage and all foes that hit you in melee will take [scales w/ SP] Arcane damage with a chance to be Blinded.
You repent the unwicked ways which sometimes lead to your detriment.
For 3 turns you will Repent, unhealing you for [5% max life] life and removing [1-3] detrimental effects each turn. When the effect expires you will be healed for [~7.5% - 15% max life] life. Unhealing from this effect will not be affected by your healing factor.
Cunning/Wicked Mind
Life Manipulation:
Your ability to manipulate life energy has taught you how to more effectively alter arcane forces, as well. Passively, your Spellpower is increased by[ ~8-20] . This ammount is increased by your Healing Factor for a current bonus of %d .
You may activate this talent to manipulate life energy within range 10 , unhealing the target enemy for [scales w/ SP] and afflicting Dark Unhealing, increasing healing factor by 35% and unhealing [5% of direct unheal] life per turn for 12 turns. If you target yourself (or an ally), you will be heal the target for [2x unheal power].
Dark Thoughts:
Your mind overflows with Dark thoughts. You use arcane power to channel the Dark energy of your mind through your body, greatly heightening your senses and fortitude.
You gain [~12-38] resistance to silence and blindness and are able to attack unseen enemies without penalty. Your mana regeneration will increase by [~0.8-3.6] and you receive a bonus to your Constitution equal to [~14-35%] of your Cunning (current bonus: %d ). Mana regeneration increases with talent level and your Healing Factor.
Wicked Fervor:
Your malice only increases as your physical form degrades, and your fervor allows you to push your body beyond its natural limits.
While active, you will only die when reaching - [~20-40% max life] life, all damage taken is reduced by [base scales with Cunning, ~5-25] , and your Critical Mulitplier is increased by [~8-25]%.
Both critical multiplier and damage reduction will incease as your life fades. Critical multiplier scales with talent level, and damage reducton with Cunning.
Ritual Sacrifice:
Even your own body is not spared from your wickedness. When you need a boost in battle you can sacrifice your own life energy to restore your resources. Learning this talent will teach you two Dark Rituals. One will restore [~20%-45%] of your Stamina while the other will restore [~20%-45%] of your Mana. Both Rituals require a sacrifice to the Dark One, unhealing yourself for[~18%-8% max life] life. Power increases and unhealing decreases with talent level. Unhealing from these talents will not be affected by your healing factor.
At raw talent level 3 and above you will sacrifice the life energy of each foe you slay, restoring 3% of your maximum stamina and mana with each death.
v 3.1.1
Cleaned up a few descriptions, and made Shadow Charge costs and scaling a bit more obvious in talent descriptions.
Fixed the super-load that made the Invisibility shading less severe when Unseen is in effect. It will now properly allow all other shading to occur and layer, as it is meant to.
[Shadow Slip]
Fixed a bug that prevented the talent from functioning properly.
[Shadow Pulse]
Reduced cool down considerably, reduced daze duration.
Damage from this spell will now ignore a portion of the damage penalty from being Unseen, scaling with talent level.
[Spell/Arcane Weapon]
Spells can now be cast while in Aether Avatar form, if you have 5 (effective) levels in Pure Aether and Pure Aether is active when you cast Aether Avatar. Additionally, the cooldown of Arcane Combat spells will be halved while in Aether Avatar form.
[Arcane Repulsion]
Will now grant a scaling number of Arcane Wards that last for a scaling number of turns when cast.
[Aura of Unlight]
Now generates charges based on the number of tiles unlit, up to 3 per turn at raw level 5 or above.
Removed attack and movement speed penalty from the Unseen effect.
Reduced damage penalty from the Unseen effect.
Increased max scaling of the invisibility power from the Unseen effect.
[Shadow Pulse]
Once again has a Shadow Charge cost, and no longer generates Shadow Charges.
The Spooked effect will now Daze, rather than Pin.
Added a check to Shadow Pulse to prevent it from causing an error when cast without the Shadow Charges effect.
Fixed a typo in Zeal/Humble that prevented it from dealing Arcane damage and applying the Humbled effect.
Cunning/Wicked Mind has been moved to Generic. Life Manipulation and Dark Thoughts have swapped places within the tree.
Technique/Combat Training and Combat Techniques have been removed.
Spell/Aegis is now locked, but the mastery level has been increased back to 1.3.
Spell/Staff Combat has been added, unlocked at 1.3 mastery.
Added a new, high-level, locked class tree featuring more Unhealing, Spell/Malediction.
Cunning/Zeal has seen some changes to avoid redundancies with Staff Combat:
[Righteous Instrument]
No longer a staff mastery talent, and the mana per Cunning has been moved to Sinister Power as a passive bonus (regardless of equipped weapon).
Now grants accuracy, based on Cunning, and Physical Power, based on Spellpower, when wielding a staff.
Now grants Armor Hardiness, based on Spellpower, and Projectile Slowing, based on Cunning, instead of Armor and Defense. These bonuses are applied passively, but only when wearing cloth or light armor.
Other talent changes:
[Sinister Power]
Grants 5 max mana per Cunning as a passive bonus (does not require the talent to be sustained).
[Aura of Unlight]
'Unseen' will now increase Fatigue rather than draining mana. Fatigue scales from ~15 to 5.
Additionally, the Unseen effect will only be applied when wearing cloth or light armor.
[Shadow Pulse]
No longer costs Shadow Charges and will instead generate Shadow Charges for each unlit tile within your Aura of Unlight, up to a limit that increases with talent level (scales from ~2 to 8 ).
[Umbral Swiftness]
Reduced cooldown, increased power and increased Shadow Charge cost by 1.
[Dark Adept]
Reduced Cool down, reduced duration of the Damage Shield effect applied.
[Blink Strike]
Attacks now deal their damage as the current element of your staff.
Added a superload (mod/class/game.displayMap) that will prevent the foreground data from the Scintillating Caves zone from loading. This stops the usual color-shifting of tiles in the zone, but allows for tiles to be properly shaded when unlit.
[Aura of Unlight]
Unliting the player's tile in exchange for lighting an unlit tile within the Aura is now base functionality.
If all the tiles within the Aura are unlit, the player will now Heal for an amount equal to the Stamina restoration.
[Total Dark]
TL 3 no longer grants the aforementioned functionality to Aura of Unlight.
Increased duration (4 to 6) and damage of the Bane of Confusion.
[Sinister Power]
Increased accuracy bonus.
Fixed an error with Wicked Fervor not removing the bonus crit mod when the sustain was deactivated.
Fixed an error where Wicked Fervor was only granting 1% of the intended bonus to crit mod.
Fixed an error with Unhealing Strike where it did not benefit from having 5/5 Sinister Power, as it should have. Also corrected an incorrect value in the description.
Reduced the cool down of Unhealing Strike, Arcane Repulsion and Humble by 2 turns each.
Fixed a bug that caused Wicked Fervor to increase your crit mod infinitely.
[Aura of Unlight]
Fixed a bug that caused Unseen to activate at 2 Charges, rather than 4.
Reduced the cool down (from 20-15) and changed the usage speed to instant.
Unhealing reported in the combat log should now be as accurate as possible, and the format of the message has been changed slightly to imitate the format of healing.
Added two new trees, Spell/Unlight and Spell/Dark, and re-worked Spell/Dark-Adept. See above for details.
Spell/Nightfall is no longer available and Spell/Conveyance is now locked.
Granted access to Spell/Meta, Spell/Enhancement, Technique/Combat-Techniques and Technique/Combat-Training.
Tweaked many values to try to bring spell costs and over all power to a more balanced level.
[Wicked Fervor]
Now grants die_at, crit mod and flat damage reduction. No longer grants spell power, physical power, or crit chance.
[Empower Staff]
The direct on-hit damage now Weakens the target, reducing Arcane resistance.
The on-crit burst damage was slightly reduced, and now Humbles targets, reducing the damage they deal. The burst no longer has a blind chance.
Now available on the Steam Workshop.
Slightly reduced the all resist granted by Dark Adept.
Changed the last talent for the Arcane Weapon tree from Animate Staff to Empower Staff:
Flood your staff with Arcane power. While active all weapon strikes will deal [scales w/ spellpower, higher than damage from their other damage procs] Arcane damage. Your foe will be Humbled by the display of power, reducing all damage dealt by 30% for 5 turns.
Critical strikes will release a burst of Arcane energy in a radius of 5 around you, dealing [75% of direct damage, can crit] damage to all enemies in the area. The energy is released in a brilliant flash which has a chance to blind enemies for 5 turns.
Both the direct and burst damage will weaken your enemies, reducing Arcane resistance by 30% for 5 turns.
Many passive abilities have been reworked so they properly update when the value (stat, stealth power, etc) that they are based on changes. Affected talents are: Righteous Instrument, Humble, Unhealing Strike, Life Manipulation, Dark Apprentice, Umbral Swiftness and Dark Adept.
Dark Adept
The power of the shield created by this talent receives the same bonus to Stealth Power as lower tier Dark Adept talents at level 5. I had intended to increase this initially, but never actually implemented it. The shield seems quite strong as is, so the description has been updated rather than the talent. Shield is likely to see some future tweaking; I have a plan to rework it into something other than a standard Damage Shield, but that will be in a later patch.
Unhealing Strike
The damage and unhealing dealt by this talent will now properly be multiplied by your Healing Factor if you know the Sinister Power talent at level 3 or above.
Smite has been reworked, once again using Dark Unhealing damage rather than dealing Darkness damage and inflicting the Dark Unhealing effect separately.
Each bolt of Smite will apply the standard 15% heal mod and the unheal over time has been increased so it is again equal to the direct damage.
The direct damage has been reduced somewhat.
You no longer need to have a staff equipped to cast this spell.
Dark Wrath:
You no longer need to have a staff equipped to cast this spell.
Life Manipulation:
Will now only hit targets that are within range. Power reduced slightly.
Arcane Reversal:
Will no longer cause errors when the player triggers a damaging trap.
Description now indicates that the talent will deactivate when triggered.
Note: I highly recommend setting this to auto-cast when available. It is instant and only has a sustain cost.
Blink Strike:
Reduced cooldown from 12 to 8.
Animate Staff:
The Animated Staff can now cast Blink Strike and Humble much more frequently (cooldown is reduced from 8 to 4 for each).
All animated staves will be referred to in the log as simply "Animated staff" rather than "Animated 'full item name' ".
Dark Adept:
The power of the shield granted by the Dark Adept talent has been reduced slightly.
The description now states that using the shield will not break stealth (this was already the case, but I had left it out of the description).
Dark Apprentice:
Now properly grants physical power.
Healing from melee hits granted by Dark Apprentice now scales with talent level, but it is not tied to Stealth power, so it will still be useful for non-Stealth builds. Scales from ~10% - ~25%.
Wicked Fervor:
Wicked Fervor will now scale up properly as you lose life. The values have been changed. The talent now grants a bonus to critical multiplier that scales as you lose life as well. Crit now scales separately from Power. Base crit scales from ~5%-14% . Base power scales from ~5-50 (this is affected by diminishing returns in effective power). Base crit multiplier scales from ~6-20% .
Arcane Reversal:
Will now only ignore damage that is less than 5% of your max life, rather than 10%.
Fixed Wicked Fervor. Somehow the die-at granted by the effect lost its negative multiplier. You will now correctly receive a die-at value that is negative rather than positive.
Unhealing will now be displayed in the game log. This is an approximate number, but should be pretty close to accurate. It is based on the power of the unhealing and will take into account the target's healing factor.
Life Manipulation will now afflict enemies with the Dark Unhealing effect, unhealing an additional 50% of the power over 5 turns and increasing Healing Factor by 15%. It will also heal the player for 200% of the unheal done to enemies, rather than 100%. Range now scales from ~ 6 - 9 and the talent will no longer prompt you to confirm the target when you target yourself.
Reduced the retaliation damage on Unworthy slightly to bring it more in line with other damage retaliation spells.
Humble and Unworthy have swapped positions in the Cunning/Zeal tree. The class already gets two other weapon attacks at level 4 and the retaliation damage will help finish off enemies that have been Unhealed to low or 0 health. Slightly buffed defense and armor on Humble to compensate.
Reduced the Unhealing per hit granted by Sinister Power to bring it in line with other damage per hit spells.
Healing Factor and Unhealing per tick from the Dark Unhealing debuff will now stack and new applications will set the duration to the greater of the remaining duration or the duration of the new effect.
Reduced the unhealing over time of the Dark Unhealing effect applied by Smite, as it was just way too ridiculous with stacking. Now does 50% of the direct damage over 5 turns, rather than 100%. May still be overpowered when you target the same enemy with every bolt, but that's probably a fair trade off for not hitting multiple targets in one turn.
Targets afflicted with the Dark Unhealing debuff will now take Darkness damage equal to the per tick Unhealing at the beginning of each turn while their health is below 10%. This should help kill off enemies whose health would be dropped to 0 or less by the Unheal over time effect.
Significantly reduced the unhealing done by Repent, and the amount of life healed when the effect expires now increases with talent level.
And, as always, I'm open to ideas and suggestions.
If you come across any bugs, please post them here and I will do best to fix it as quickly as I am able.