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Nothing to write home about: it's on Normal / Adventure, it has horrible build, horrible Race / Class combo, and to be honest I was quite surprised when I managed to get through 'There and Back Again' with this char, much less winning the game

To be fair, this char was built specifically to unlock Cryomancer (which I managed to obtain

Looking back, the defining moment might be when I got lucky and managed to find and safely escorted 3 Defiler escorts, which is how I managed to get the Psionic / Feedback tree. 2 of those were fairly early on in Kor'Pul (got the locked Feedback tree from here) and Trollmire (got the Resonance Field skill from here). The last one was found in Dreadfell (extra point in Conversion). Unlocked the whole tree at level 20 (used level 10's point to unlock Higher Draconic Abilities if I'm not mistaken).
I got cocky and went to Dreadfell after I got my first prodigy (ICCTW) but before I got Antimagic, just so I could get the 'Burnt to the Ground' achivement.

At around level 30 or so I finished Dreadfell, killed Ukruk, gave the Staff to the Apprentice Mage for the achievement mentioned, got Antimagic, killed Urkis, got the mission to free the Krogs, and only managed to keep one from dying.

Anyway went to the East, got back West, got back East again, and got killed the 2nd time by Vor's Pride Boss.

After Vor, I cleared up the Charred Scar by utilizing Lightning Speed as needed, cleared the rest of the Orc Prides, went into the Slime Tunnel, and skipped most of High Peak contents to get to the final battle a.s.a.p. To be honest this was the first time I'm anywhere near end-game contents, so I decided to play it safe and keep as many remaining lives as possible, skipping most of the bosses and hidden vaults, including 2 more from items. Got killed for the 3rd time here trying to keep Aeryn safe, and in the end got her killed as well.

In the end though I simply slogged it through, firstly killing the sorceress with swords (what's her name again?) and secondly killing the one with the Awakened Staff. And voila, Adventurer unlocked! Yay!

Now let's see if I could survive Nightmare with the exact same build..

..or not, seeing that I have to get lucky again with the escorts..