The wierd thing with the summoned elemental vs kobold i mentioned i think linked to the elemental trying to push past some creatures temporarily seems to occupy the same square as the monster.
that meant that it looked like the large kobold was killed but then reappeared.
The princess quest that was unconnected to the map via a path was the circular one with 5 monsters.
of interest one of the orc cave levels had 2 completely separate sections that without teleport wouldn't be possible to fully explore.
A crash on changing level to get to deathwatch; - tried a second time and same crash happened. Log below.
[LOG] Resting starts...
[LOG] Rested for 32 turns (stop reason: all resources and life at maximum).
[LOG] #YELLOW_GREEN#There is a down staircase here.#LAST#
table: 0x09145a60 normal
Using cached font /data/font/Salsa-Mono.ttf 14
[USE ITEM] name='K) Destroy' action=destroy talent=nil
[PLAYER] recalcEverything(0)
[PLAYER] recalcEverything: done
[LOG] You have no more Drum (+0).
[LOG] You destroy a Drum (+0).
[USE ITEM] name='K) Destroy' action=destroy talent=nil
[PLAYER] recalcEverything(0)
[PLAYER] recalcEverything: done
[LOG] You have no more Ring of Cold Resistance.
[LOG] You destroy a Ring of Cold Resistance.
Creating level orc-cave 12
[Zone:newLevel] orc-cave beginning level generation, count: 1
Static generator using file /data/maps/zones/deathwatch.lua
[STATIC MAP] size 127 52 rotate: default
Added unique mod.class.NPC/GRISHNAKH_THE_HILL_ORC :: 1
Added unique mod.class.Object/OF_MAEDHROS :: 1
Added unique mod.class.NPC/GOLFIMBUL_THE_HILL_ORC_CHIEF :: 1
Added unique mod.class.Object/CAMMITHRIM :: 1
Added unique mod.class.NPC/LAGDUF_THE_SNAGA :: 1
Added unique mod.class.Object/THALKETTOTH :: 1
[DEBUG] zones/deathwatch
Loading tile terrain/floor.png
Loading tile npc/half_orc.png
Loading tile npc/ogrillon.png
Loading tile npc/grishnakh_the_hill_orc.png
Loading tile object/main_gauche.png
Loading tile npc/golfimbul_the_hill_orc_chief.png
Loading tile object/set_of_leather_gloves.png
Loading tile npc/snaga.png
Loading tile npc/cave_orc.png
Loading tile npc/lagduf_the_snaga.png
Loading tile object/leather_scale_mail.png
Game version: tome2-0.8.3
Addons: gond_book-0.3.0, gervais_tiles-0.5.2, town_neutral-0.3.0
Lua Error: /mod/class/generator/actor/T2LevelFilteredActors.lua:378: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'max' (a table value)
At [C]:-1 __mul
At /mod/class/generator/actor/T2LevelFilteredActors.lua:378 regenFrom
At /engine/generator/actor/Random.lua:49 generate
At /mod/class/generator/actor/T2LevelFilteredActors.lua:86 generate
At /engine/Zone.lua:1143 newLevel
At /engine/Zone.lua:999 getLevel
At /mod/class/Game.lua:564 changeLevel
At /mod/class/Game.lua:1273
At /engine/KeyBind.lua:243
went back to town and after recalling to L20 was able to enter Deathwatch, a couple of errors on casting thaumaturgy bolt spells or maybe on uruks firing arrows (I'm wearing a shield of reflection)
error = "Game version: tome2-0.8.3\
Addons: gond_book-0.3.0, gervais_tiles-0.5.2, town_neutral-0.3.0\
Lua Error: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:351: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:324: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:190: /data/damage_types.lua:360: attempt to index local 'x' (a number value)\
stack traceback:\
\9/data/damage_types.lua:360: in function 'projector'\
\9/engine/interface/ActorProject.lua:259: in function 'project'\
\9/mod/class/interface/ActorProject.lua:38: in function 'project'\
\9/mod/project-util.lua:130: in function </mod/project-util.lua:114>\
\9[C]: in function 'xpcall'\
\9/engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:186: in function </engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:173>\
At [C]:-1 \
At [C]:-1 error\
At /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:351 useTalent\
At /mod/class/NPC.lua:614 useTalent\
At /engine/ai//talented.lua:68 runAI\
At /engine/ai//talented.lua:123 doAI\
At /mod/class/NPC.lua:104 act\
At /engine/GameEnergyBased.lua:129 tickLevel\
At /mod/class/GameEnergyBasedEvilHack.lua:32 tick\
At /engine/GameTurnBased.lua:51 tick\
At /mod/class/Game.lua:746 "
seen = true
reported = false
further edit / error log - quest vs dark elven lord; - ? blindness spell triggering this
error = "Game version: tome2-0.8.3\
Addons: gond_book-0.3.0, gervais_tiles-0.5.2, town_neutral-0.3.0\
Lua Error: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:351: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:324: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:190: /data/damage_types.lua:360: attempt to index local 'x' (a number value)\
stack traceback:\
\9/data/damage_types.lua:360: in function 'projector'\
\9/engine/interface/ActorProject.lua:259: in function 'project'\
\9/mod/class/interface/ActorProject.lua:38: in function 'project'\
\9/mod/project-util.lua:130: in function </mod/project-util.lua:114>\
\9[C]: in function 'xpcall'\
\9/engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:186: in function </engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:173>\
At [C]:-1 \
At [C]:-1 error\
At /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:351 useTalent\
At /mod/class/NPC.lua:614 useTalent\
At /engine/ai//talented.lua:68 runAI\
At /engine/ai//talented.lua:123 doAI\
At /mod/class/NPC.lua:104 act\
At /engine/GameEnergyBased.lua:129 tickLevel\
At /mod/class/GameEnergyBasedEvilHack.lua:32 tick\
At /engine/GameTurnBased.lua:51 tick\
At /mod/class/Game.lua:746 "
seen = true
reported = false