Linux Compatability (wayland, gamescope)

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Linux Compatability (wayland, gamescope)

#1 Post by cksiu »

PSA: For linux users, if you like messing with gamescope and other things with this game and you own this game on steam. Run it with Valve's proton translating Windows API calls, it just works.

I never used to have trouble with this on my old linux mint system, but I recently put bazzite on another machine. I had to run it through gamescope because my GPU had some problems and wouldn't render it properly. But if you try gamescope with the native version of ToME you may encounter these issues:
  1. window generated is completely the wrong resolution or size
  2. UI elements being un-interactable
  3. Mouse tracking is unreliable at best, broken at worst
To save yourself from troubleshooting all the wayland xwayland x11 rubbish and its interaction with gamescope, just force it through proton in game specific steam settings->compatibility, everything works like you expect it to.

After playing with the proton version a while, I found a couple other issues with the native version on with desktop which are better in the proton version in case you have them too:
combination key presses are roughly 95% accurate with native game, but sometimes it is sending random things like numpad lock and interrupting modifier key presses which lead to a few mis-inputs when I wanted to input e.g. ctrl+1, but the game only registered 1.

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