Impenetrable vault room?

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Impenetrable vault room?

#1 Post by smotrovs »

When doing the god's (Eru) quest #3, after already finding the piece of relic, on the bottom level of that lost temple (LTm -28) I encountered the following room (vault?):

Code: Select all

##### #^#######
####   ^   ####
###    ^    ###
##     ^     ##
#    ^^^^^    #
#   ^  ^  ^   #
#   ^ ^^^ ^   #
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
#   ^ ^^^ ^   #
#   ^  ^  ^   #
#    ^^^^^    #
##     ^     ##
###    ^    ###
####   ^   ####
It is/was full of traps and monsters; I can tunnel through the # walls, but not through the ^ walls. Sense monsters and Vision show that the central 3x3 room contains a golden crown and an ice troll. However, its walls are impenetrable, and multiple zapping of the rod of door/stairs location and extensive searching did not discover any secret door. Also, I did not find the template for this room in the v_info.txt file. I reviewed the resources currently available to me and did not find anything that could help to get into that room. Am I missing something? Are some secret doors so secret that they do not appear after applying rod of door/stairs location and require a VERY, VERY long searching? Or are there some artifacts/techniques which become available later in the game that allow to get into rooms surrounded by impenetrable walls? Or is the room meant to be a teaser, actually inaccessible? Or could the secret door fail to be generated due to a bug? Being new to this game and fearing to miss some crucial artifact(s), I would appreciate help in this matter...

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Re: Impenetrable vault room?

#2 Post by Yottle »

There are rooms that are impenetrable. The most common scenario is when certain vaults that are not surrounded by granite walls pop up in a dungeon like the Orc Cave where the dungeon itself is made of impenetrable stuff.
There are still ways to get into these rooms if you have the right power, like being able to swap position with a monster.
By the way, it is a bad idea to explore the god quest dungeon below where you find the relic. The next quest dungeon will start at the greater of your current character level or the deepest you explored in the last god quest. These dungeons get a *lot* more difficult with depth.

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Re: Impenetrable vault room?

#3 Post by smotrovs »

OK, I see, thank you for clarifying.
Regarding god quests, thank you for advice, however, I don't know, whether it is a bug/exploit, or something else, but the quests do not get more difficult for me anymore: god quests 2, 3, 4 (that's how far I have gotten up to now) occurred in the same location/temple, at the same dungeon depth levels. The temple does not disappear after exiting it, and at the next quest god points to the same location. I delayed god quest 1 for quite some time, therefore god quest 2 was deeper than the deepest quest 1 level anyway.

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Re: Impenetrable vault room?

#4 Post by Yottle »

God quests recur at random spots on the map so there is something wrong with your build. They are always either on grass or shallow water squares.
The default seems to be a couple of squares NW of Bree. If there is a problem with generating a new dungeon that is where it shows up.

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Re: Impenetrable vault room?

#5 Post by smotrovs »

I see, the location of quests 2, 3, 4 has been exactly a couple of squares NW of Bree. So it could be due to randomly picking an invalid location.
On the other hand, if I remember correctly, the lost temple disappeared at the first location after completing quest 1 and leaving the temple. The temple entrance has not disappeared after quests 2, 3, 4.
I was convinced that I'm playing the standard version 2.3.5, at least that is what it says after pressing 'V'. I obtained it ("") at some website which had lots of versions of ToME, starting with 1.0.0, and ending with 3.0.0 alpha 19, perhaps from the Zaimoni site.
Anyway, even if it is a bug, it is not likely to get corrected, and does not seem to be an obstacle to progressing in game.

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