I got a Spiders of Mirkwood quest, but I don't quite know how to make it happen. Is it just at the end of Mirkwood (33 I think)? Or is it a separate dungeon?
Also, I got the Barrow Wight quest, and I went to the bottom of the Barrow Downs, but no Barrow King.
Maybe Theme has taken out some of these things, or I'm not doing it right? (I've really only played Tome 2.x.x as Theme.)
Also, where is the first Eru God temple (SW of Bree, and way to the east of Minas Anor)?
Finally, I am finding that my dark elf sorcerers have too much offensive power and not quite enough HP. What is the next best race for a sorcerer? I know Lord Dimwit said e.g. Petty-Dwarf. What do they get? I don't really want to do Vampire or anything with a huge-huge-huge XP penalty.
Sorry for the grab-bag. I love seeing any posts at all on this 2.x.x forum, though. The game has some of my fondest memories. It's in some ways even more fun to play now, since the information about the game is so limited online--I remember playing it ten years ago and being able to google everything. But now it is like ancient forgotten history, and poking around again has more mystery.
Theme -- quests (spoilers)
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- Halfling
- Posts: 98
- Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:02 am
Re: Theme -- quests (spoilers)
I just remembered something -- is it possible the quests are different colored ">" spots? Maybe the Spiders of Mirkwood is within Mirkwood at lvl XYZ, and shows up as a yellow > or something? That seems familiar, and I wasn't looking for that. Let me know. Thanks!
- Halfling
- Posts: 98
- Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:02 am
Re: Theme -- quests (spoilers)
For the love of Jehoshaphat, don’t kill Swans.
Okay, good grief, lesson learned.
Okay, good grief, lesson learned.
- Halfling
- Posts: 98
- Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:02 am
Re: Theme -- quests (spoilers)
Eru: killest thou not Good creatures
Me: Got it
(Bang bang slam slam)
Eru: I meanest it
Me: I know, I am good myself, I would never
Eru: what art thou doing
Me: wailing on these critters
Eru: noticest thou the counter on thine imaging device?
Me: mine imaging device?
Eru: your computer screen, on the left
Me: oh. What the f….?
Eru: it goeth down
Me: no crap sherlock.
Eru: those little white p’s are Good creatures.
Me: I rather doubt it. They been cursing’ me and mouthin’ off.
Eru: nonetheless. They are my sacred paladins
Me: what? Is there like a secret handshake I need?
Eru: what meanest thou?
Me: I mean, so they don’t try to kill me, a holy worshiper of thy worshipfulness
Eru: the p’s are letters and hath not hands for a handshake
Me: so what do I do?
Eru: killest them not
Me: but they’re trying to kill me!
Eru: verily
Me: and I’m good!
Eru: well, at least so sayest thy ctrl-C screen
Me: but I got nothin from you yet!
Eru: killest thou not my little p’s
Me: okay, so at least you’re going to smite them, right?
Eru: what
Me: I mean I’m good and they’re killin me
Eru: yea, verily I shall smite them
Me: okay, when
Eru: upon thy screenshot
Me: what’s a screenshot?
Eru: let me show thee
Me: Got it
(Bang bang slam slam)
Eru: I meanest it
Me: I know, I am good myself, I would never
Eru: what art thou doing
Me: wailing on these critters
Eru: noticest thou the counter on thine imaging device?
Me: mine imaging device?
Eru: your computer screen, on the left
Me: oh. What the f….?
Eru: it goeth down
Me: no crap sherlock.
Eru: those little white p’s are Good creatures.
Me: I rather doubt it. They been cursing’ me and mouthin’ off.
Eru: nonetheless. They are my sacred paladins
Me: what? Is there like a secret handshake I need?
Eru: what meanest thou?
Me: I mean, so they don’t try to kill me, a holy worshiper of thy worshipfulness
Eru: the p’s are letters and hath not hands for a handshake
Me: so what do I do?
Eru: killest them not
Me: but they’re trying to kill me!
Eru: verily
Me: and I’m good!
Eru: well, at least so sayest thy ctrl-C screen
Me: but I got nothin from you yet!
Eru: killest thou not my little p’s
Me: okay, so at least you’re going to smite them, right?
Eru: what
Me: I mean I’m good and they’re killin me
Eru: yea, verily I shall smite them
Me: okay, when
Eru: upon thy screenshot
Me: what’s a screenshot?
Eru: let me show thee
- Halfling
- Posts: 98
- Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:02 am
Re: Theme -- quests (spoilers)
Anybody know the answer to where Spiders of Mirkwood, Barrow King is, etc. per the above? Yottle, Lord Estraven, Lord Dimwit, HousePet, anybody from the old gang? 

- Halfling
- Posts: 98
- Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:02 am
Re: Theme -- quests (spoilers)
Huzzah, I found a way to look at all the old tome2 wiki pages? (Maybe there's a better way and I am an idiot, but nonetheless I am a proud idiot!)
go to google.com to search
type in
This seems to bring up most of the old pages (although they are of course not properly linked together). Nonetheless!!!
go to google.com to search
type in
Code: Select all
site:te4.org tome2
Re: Theme -- quests (spoilers)
I haven't played Theme for a while, but I think the answers to most of these are the same as regular Tome.
I see you eventually found the spiders and wight quests. All of those quests from the local town boss are somewhere in the town square.
The god quests can be almost anywhere except deep water. Their position isn't fixed and you have to explore to find them. They do show up on the overhead map, though.
The best way to find out which race/class combos work is to look at the ladder at http://angband.oook.cz/ladder.php. Select the variant and class and take a look at the winners to see what races show up the most. Lygrogs are awesome (or munchkinish, depending on how you feel).
Lord Dimwit said that picking a race with high hp is the most important thing for a sorceror. They get to be so powerful so fast that any reduced power at the beginning doesn't matter. If you want a challenge try a yeek.
I see you eventually found the spiders and wight quests. All of those quests from the local town boss are somewhere in the town square.
The god quests can be almost anywhere except deep water. Their position isn't fixed and you have to explore to find them. They do show up on the overhead map, though.
The best way to find out which race/class combos work is to look at the ladder at http://angband.oook.cz/ladder.php. Select the variant and class and take a look at the winners to see what races show up the most. Lygrogs are awesome (or munchkinish, depending on how you feel).
Lord Dimwit said that picking a race with high hp is the most important thing for a sorceror. They get to be so powerful so fast that any reduced power at the beginning doesn't matter. If you want a challenge try a yeek.
- Halfling
- Posts: 98
- Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:02 am
Re: Theme -- quests (spoilers)
Many, many thanks!